What’s It Really Like Inside The Online Cult Of Andrew Tate?

What’s It Really Like Inside The Online Cult Of Andrew Tate?

DISCLAIMER- This article touches upon elements of sexual assault, transphobia, homophobia, and extreme views. If this makes you uncomfortable I suggest you read no further. All events mentioned in this article are accurate however, names are fictional to hide the individuals involved. 

Ai Generated Image Of Andrew Tate Addressing UN Leaders.
CREDITS: Lewis Kelly– Ai Generated Image Of Andrew Tate Addressing UN Leaders

Andrew Tate, otherwise known to his followers as ‘The Top G.’. A name that leaves a stale taste in your mouth and continues to bombard the front pages with his antics. Currently under house arrest in his Romanian household alongside his brother Tristan due to an ongoing sex trafficking investigation, the Tate brothers have become a staple in today’s spokespeople for ‘bettering yourself’, and I use that term lightly. If not flexing their multiple supercars and wealth, you usually find the Tate brothers sitting behind a microphone preaching their beliefs as fact.

Viewing a social media post from a social handle of a stranger is one thing, but they usually come without explaining how they came to have such views. I needed to know more, befriend these people, and understand their ways of life and how they got this far. With that in mind, I decided to go undercover in what I believe is the largest and most controversial online cult in the modern day that continues to grow and divides a large scale of the internet on a daily basis, that being the Tate brothers, and their loyal following. 

After setting up my account, the first person I spoke to was Twitter user ‘Nathan’, who claimed influencer & former kickboxer Andrew Tate made him realise his worth early last year and believes Tate has single-handedly saved people’s lives. “He helped me recognize the value within myself and allowed me to be who I want to be, not the superficial bullshit we fool ourselves with. Everything that he says is facts, unfortunately, due to his delivery method all the anti-Tates hear what they want, we need more people like him on earth!” 

Whilst Nathan was discussing how he’s been able to be himself by following Tate’s advice, I discovered a tweet several hours later from him stating “Trans women are men” The irony… Transphobia seems to be a common pattern amongst the cult following of the Tate brothers and the majority of recommended tweets on my undercover account were transphobic slurs from the likes of other influencers like Andrews mutual Jake Shields, a former UFC fighter who has gone as far to mock the movement by tweeting “Since trans men are real men I would like to challenge the 10 toughest trans men in the world to a fight.”

A Twitter post with the caption "Do You Agree?" with an attached image stating "Trans Women Are Men."
CREDITS: Twitter

Whilst Andrew Tate denied being transphobic in a 2021 podcast with James English, only seconds later he spitfires a whirl of claims that the majority would argue is exactly what he denies; “If you want to chop your dick off I have nothing against that, I’m not anti-transgender. What I am anti is propagating your worldview on other people’s children. If you’re gay and you can’t have kids why do you now believe It’s your right to go to other people’s kids and tell them how to think?”

It’s worth adding this response came from James asking him how he feels about transgenders reading stories to children, a man that tells his audience to ‘rise above arrogance’ yet feels a transgender person cannot read a story to a child. It’s no secret Tate sees his ideal world in a ‘traditional value’ perspective, that seeming to be men are men, they work hard whilst women stay home and obey their husbands.

Any form of differentiation seems to be ridiculed, and this is just one example of indoctrination against young men. If you’re a ‘traditional man’, you are accepted, if you’re different in any way that is a problem is the understanding I reached about the basic beliefs of this cult following, all fueled by Andrew’s output on today’s society.  

“What colour is your Bugatti?” is a common phrase of Tate’s. According to MoneyMade.io, Andrew Tate is worth a staggering $365 million dollars, and the money flow doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Operating ‘Hustlers University’ Andrew Tate has built up quite the business to pry on his audience, charging $50 a month teaching ‘students’ the likes of crypto, bitcoin, Amazon FBA, and many more fields.

The website which claims to have over 160,000 active members has been branded by many as a pyramid scheme, yet it continues to take high profits on a daily basis. Alongside this, both Andrew & Tristan Tate ran a webcam business employing 75 women, this being where the sex trafficking allegations first arose. 

 It’s easy to see how people fall into the trap of funding the global empire Tate has built for himself and once again it comes with the mass consumption of his content on behalf of the following. Young men are idolising the concept of being rich beyond belief, seeing young women by the brothers’ side continuously and having complete power over everything in their lives when in reality, the odds are extremely slim to portray a lifestyle like Andrew Tate’s.  

After posting on Reddit asking for reviews on the university, I spoke to Charlie who like others joined the programme off of the fascination of earning a quick profit, after three months in and $150 down purely on fees, Charlie realised all was not quite as it seemed.

 “I had my doubts after the first few hours as it had nothing to do with business, but I believed that if I stuck at it, results would come. Most of the stock content was taken from Andrew’s telegram group ‘The War Room’ it all felt like recycled information you could find anywhere on the internet. It dawned on me you cannot predict the economy of the stock market, I was completely distracted by all the false promises and fake success stories of the course, all the advice led me to nowhere and I lost over $1000.

Credits: Coffeezilla NOTE: This Video Is Not Related To The User I Spoke With.

One of the most common topics the Tate’s discuss is gender, it seems to be a primary mindset of the pair and despite attempts to promote it as self-help for men, it comes rooted in a deep trail of misogyny. 

“A strong man is made through trauma. A beautiful woman has to do nothing for her beauty” a tweet from Tristan Tate himself. The agenda they push onto young, vulnerable men is a scary one and as much as it damages the undeveloped mindsets of the majority of the following, it poses a sinister risk to the women these men may come across in life.

To broadcast an ideology that men are elite and ‘own’ women like property is simply barbaric yet, It’s celebrated and embraced by the masses of this cult. “Traditionally every single man in history had multiple wives, and there was not a single woman who was celebrated for having multiple husbands. Female promiscuity has always been disgusting and frowned upon.” That is according to Andrew Tate of course, stating cheating is completely fine if you’re male but roles reversed it’s a sick act.

Whilst their following is largely male-dominated, I found a smaller, yet equally passionate set of women who glorify Andrew Tate online which for many would pose the question as to why? A man who often refers to women as his ‘property’ even going as far as to tweet “If you put yourself in a position to be raped, you must bare some responsibility”, what’s the attraction to the most rampant misogynist on social media?

According to Andrea, Tate revives the traditional values of ‘alpha males’ and attempts to educate women on how to act in an appropriate manner. “My man will never have to worry about a messy house, girl’s nights out, a boring sex life, disloyalty and disrespect, or no food on the table after work. He deserves nothing but the best.”  When I questioned Andrea on Tate’s controversial comments on sexual assault, her replies were thorough and quite frankly disturbing. “A degenerate woman gets drunk, goes to the club and gets raped, she put herself in a bad position and for that women need to take accountability.”  

An Ai Generated Painting Of Andrew & Tristan Tate In Jail.
CREDITS- Lewis Kelly – Ai Generated Painting Of Andrew & Tristan Tate In Jail.

Due to the complete anomaly that a young woman would have such public views, Andrea has become an influencer in her own right, with a following of over 50,000 on Twitter alone. The majority of her following consists of male Andrew Tate followers, all pining at her media which from what I gathered was due to her shared ideologies with the cult; a young woman branding herself as her man’s property and displaying public obedience, a dream for the majority of Tate’s audience. 

The women who glorify Tate have not gone unnoticed by Andrew himself, and I’m sure this is something he thrives off of. In August last year, an Andrew Tate follower ‘Alexis’ took to the internet by sharing a new tattoo of hers, that being the full name of the former kickboxer across her bum cheek, I wonder if she’ll visit a laser removal company down the line?

This caught the attention of Tate, who reposted it on his Instagram story adding the caption “All my wives will do the same, inshallah.” According to Andrew Tate himself, he received various love letters from women all across the globe whilst serving six months of solitary confinement in Romania for the previously mentioned allegations, are these women attracted to him personally, or just the wealth he possesses?

An image of a woman with a tattoo on her bum that says Andrew Tate shared by Andrew Tate via Instagram Stories
Credits: Andrew Tate via Instagram Stories

Both would be the case for Luna, a 23-year-old who’s gone to the extent of creating an Andrew & Tristan Tate fan page on Twitter, tweeting both brothers multiple times a day for recognition. “I want nothing more than to be recognised by Andrew or Tristan. They are the modern-day princes of the world who would give me anything I ever wanted and would protect me at all costs, I am a Top G for life!”

Whilst charges still continue to stack up on the Tate brothers, their cult following doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Only time will tell the fate of Andrew & Tristan Tate and I’m sure if they ever see this article I’ll be branded as a member of the ‘mainstream matrix media’ but rest assured, the leaders of modern-day misogyny will have their day out of the limelight. 

In the present time however, the Tate’s are inflicting serious damage on young men by indoctrinating undeveloped mindsets with a dark outtake on today’s society, creating a dangerous upcoming generation which at some point will come with consequences.

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